What You Need To Know Before You Hire A Pest Control Company

Food courts in malls; lunchrooms in schools; lounges in office buildings; restaurants; warehouses. These are just a few places that bugs and rodents call home. And they love to birth their young in these places as well. If not checked, a building can be facing an infestation pretty fast. And what’s not to love about turning on a light to see a roach or a mouse scurrying across the floor? What should you check on before you hire a pest control company?

The key to pest control is prevention. And prevention means regular treatment and identification of any entry points that can be blocked. This probably calls for contracting with a pest control service, especially for commercial buildings.

So, how do you go about finding the right pest control company in Kansas City, MO – one that will prevent “invasions,” treat any current infestation, and do all of this while protecting the safety of the people within? Recently, a friend who is a freelance writer for Trust My Paper and Grab My Essay, forwarded to me a research paper on this very topic, for my review and suggestions. And while I have never been an expert on pest control, I did learn a lot.

If you are not an expert either, then it’s best to leave the task of pest control to those who are. Here are some tips for finding a good company that will take care of your building, your people, and the environment, once you have narrowed your list of candidates.

1. Ask for their License

Pest control companies (aka exterminators) must be licensed by the state and/or local government agencies. This is obvious because they deal with harmful chemicals and must have the right training to use them correctly.

A side note here: Employees of the company should be bonded, in case there is damage of any kind to your property, even though unintentional.

2. Research The Reviews

With consumers able to publicly comment on any company these days, there are bound to be some customer reviews on the companies you are considering. These may often include testimonials from very satisfied customers. But you should go beyond those company-published praises, and see what you can find out on the web.

3. How Environmentally Friendly Is The Company?

You want a company that is as eco-friendly as possible. This means that they will use low-impact chemicals, especially indoors. And they will also focus on outdoor treatment as a preventative so that internal treatment can be kept to a minimum.

4. How Long Has The Company Been In Business?

While there are always newcomers in this business, the longer a company has been in business, the more likely it is to deliver quality (people stay in business because they have continual growth of new customers and keep their loyal ones). Gunter Pest & Lawn has been in business since 1950.

As Mark Murray, a financial officer for Wow Grade states, “Delivering quality is the only way a company stays in business in today’s competitive environment. We focus on keeping our current customers and expanding our customer base through referrals and keeping a solid reputation for producing high-quality products and services. In most any consumer-oriented business, reputation is everything.”

5. Liability Insurance?

This may not be a state requirement, but, for your own protection, you want a company that has liability insurance. This protects you if there is an accident during the pest control treatment process and can also lessen your liability if an employee of the company should get injured while on your property. You want a company that at least has workmen’s compensation insurance.

6. Does The Company Provide Guarantees?

Whether you sign a long-term agreement with a company or not, it should provide guarantees that include returning for further treatment if the agreed-upon treatment has not done the job. These extra treatments should be at no cost. Make sure you understand the details of any guarantee the company gives. Some of them come with exceptions, so read the fine print before signing that contract.

7. Ask For References Before You Hire A Pest Control Company

Testimonials and customer reviews out on the web are one thing. But the ability to talk to actual customers is much more powerful. Ask the company for some references, especially other companies, if you are looking for commercial pest control services.

8. Pricing Should Be Reasonable

If you contact several pest control services, you will be able to compare prices based on what they offer in terms of regular prevention and maintenance. Be a bit aware of those that seem to be too cheap – their quality of service will be cheap too.

9. Get More Than One Evaluation – And It Should Be Free

As you interview pest control services, only consider those that will actually come to your premises and provide an initial inspection at no cost. They should then provide you with a report of current levels and what they propose for prevention and maintenance, along with costs.

Compare these inspections and estimates carefully to be certain you are going to get what you want. An unscrupulous company may well exaggerate your problem and the treatment and care that will be necessary.

There You Have It

These nine things should help you hire a pest control company. They will let you ask the right questions and evaluate any pest control service you are considering. Choose wisely, and those little varmints will be a thing of the past. One more irritant off your shoulders.

Guest Post Author Bio:

Angela Baker is a self-driven freelance writer and, in her own words, a lifelong learner. Currently, she writes for Supreme Dissertations and Pick the Writer and contributes to blogs, such as Live Inspired Magazine, on a variety of topics and issues. Her goal is to be a modern “Renaissance Woman” while she also participates in animal rescue organizations.

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